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Contact us:. 082-239400/ 014-8867100, Malaysia
Lot 9820, Sublot 4, Sect 65, K.T.L.D JALAN SEMARAK ,KUCHING, SARAWAK

Monday 30 May 2016

A Brief info for Colors used in Chromotherapy

·         Red is believed to increase the pulse, raise blood pressure and increase the rate of breathing. Red would be applied to support circulatory and nervous functions.
Bright Pink
·         Strong pink acts as a cleanser, strengthening veins and arteries.
Ight Pink
·         Pink activates and eliminates impurities in the blood stream.
·         Orange is a mixture of red and yellow. Activates and eliminates localized fat. Assists with asthma and bronchitis
Strong Yellow
·         Strong yellow strengthens the body and activates internal tissues.
·         Yellow, the brightest color used in chromotherapy, has been used to purify the skin, help with indigestion, strengthen the nervous system, treat glandular diseases, hepatitis and lymphatic disorders and assist metabolism.
·         Green, a color associated with harmony, provides a neutral, positive calming effect.
Strong Green
·         Strong green provides anti-infectious, anti-septic and regenerative stimulation.

Blue green (light turquoise green)
  • ·         Helps the body to clear lymphatic system, and flush away toxin thus clears the skin problem

Strong Blue
·         Strong blue lubricates joints, helps address stress, nervous tension and infections.
·         Blue promotes relaxation and calm. Blue exhibits tranquilizing qualities often used to relieve headaches and migraines, colds, stress, nervous tension, rheumatism, stomach pains, muscle cramps and liver disorders. Blue is thought to have a positive effect on all kinds of pain.
·         Indigo is used to address conditions involving the eyes, ears and nose. It has a calming, sedative effect.

·         Violet is used to calm the nervous system, soothe organs and relax muscles. Violet has meditative qualities and is often used to treat conditions of the lymphatic system and spleen, as well as urinary disorders and psychosis.

Our Space spa equipment and far infra red  saunas have a  chromotherapy light available. This add-on is unlike any other on the market, offering sauna benefits unique to other forms of color therapy. Instead of single color lights, includes auto color-changing modes. The lights are soft and gentle . Very affordable sessions, Space Spa, Far infra red Sauna and supersonic Jacuzzi al with chromotherapy lighting is one of our most popular infrared sauna and hydrochromo Jacuzzi options.

Color therapy has been practiced throughout the world for centuries, and remains one of the most popular Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies available.**

Saturday 28 May 2016


Body scrub adalah cara meratakan  butiran halus ke permukaan kulit dengan cara menggosok. Tujuannya untuk mengelupas kulit ari /kulit mati. Hasilnya kulit akan terlihat lebih cerah kerana lapisan kulit  mati telahpun dibersihkan.
Lulur,  sebenarnya prosesnya hampir sama dengan body scrub. Lulur juga membuang kulit mati dengan digosokkan pada kulit, bentuknya saja yang beda. Body scrub bentuknya adalah butiran halus sedangkan lulur berbentuk pasta .
Cara pemakaian – Tubuh disapukan dengan minyak zaitun atau aromaterapi dan dibiarkan menyerap. serbuk lulur ditambah air , biarkan kembang, kemudian ditempel ke kulit selama kurang lebih 15 minit . Biarkan selama 15 minit, Rasa sejuk  lulur yang melekat di kulit  dapat menimbulkan rasa nyaman. sebelum digosok untuk mengelupaskan sel kulit  mati. 
Lulur juga biasannya dicampur bahan tambahan misalnya dengan kunyit, tepung beras, minyak zaitun, dan lain-lain. Bahan-bahan yang mengandung zat aktif itu menyerap dalam pori pori kulit dan bekerja pada kulit untuk mendapatkan efek tertentu. Misal, dengan adanya minyak zaitun membuat kulit yang kering menjadi lembab; kunyit dan tepung beras membuat kulit jadi lebih cerah . Tetapi jangan terlalu mengharapkan kesan yang cepat kerana secara logik lulur yang dibiarkan seharian barulah efeknya kelihatan nyata.
Sedangkan spa adalah perawatan yang dilakukan oleh suatu tempat khusus yang terdiri dari urut dan lulur. Urutan  ini supaya merehatkan ketegangan otot-otot, ditambahkan dengan minyak seperti aroma terapi yang mampu merehatkan minda . Di spa biasanya disediakan tempat untuk dengan memakai aroma terapi dan lulur, atau berendam dengan aroma terapi.
Setelah melakukan lulur atau body scrub jangan lupa menyapu  pelembab pada kuit sebagai pelindung kulit selepas rawatan. Pemberian pelembab dilakukan segera setelah badan dibersihkan dan dibiarkan separa kering menggunakan tuala.

Perawatan spa, lulur dan body scrub sebaiknya dilakukan tidak melebihi dua kali seminggu. Sebab, kalau kulit kita terlalu sering digosok, dan bila sudah tidak ada kulit mati yang terkelupas masih terus digosok, akan mengakibatkan iritasi/ radang. Perlu diingat, manusia normalnya berganti kulit setiap 28 hari. Dengan mandi sehari dua kali, sudah cukup bersih. Namun bila mau lebih bersih, tambah dengan lulur atau body scrub dua kali seminggu.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Why Spa Facials Are An Essential Part of Your Healthy Lifestyle

Whether it's a rewarding sunrise hike, mastering a new sushi recipe or curling up with a great new read, it feels good to take time for nurturing activities that help us recharge and reconnect. Stress-relieving spa treatments are other excellent ways to enhance your well-being, and the good news is you should begin to do it more often to better your health.  While you might think there isn't enough time for regular spa treatments, you should schedule facials just like you do regular exercise or wellness programs.

Facials should not be considered a luxury, they have necessary health benefits, Not to
mention, the obvious benefit of facials is that you are able to relax and take time for yourself. That's critical to your overall health.

It's important you practice good skincare at home, but a facial isn't the same. What is different from your day-to-day regimen is that during a facial your skin is bathed in higher concentrations of powerful vitamins and antioxidants. Your skin needs these regularly. For example, compared to your treatment product at home, during the facial those ingredients are two to three times as strong. And they are able to penetrate better because your skin is softened

With all your daily obligations, meetings and responsibilities, it might seem difficult to pack another appointment into your month. But your skin needs it.  People generally associate facials with pampering or special occasions.  But we need to change that way of thinking. Try to associate facials with health instead. In addition to the obvious skin benefits, spa facials offer total body benefits. We have to understand that the entire body is connected. Treating your face and the healing power of touch affect every organ and every system in your body.

Every day you are exposed to elements in the environment that wreak havoc on your
complexion. Regular facials cleanse and treat the skin to maximize your barrier function. Without that protection, you are more susceptible to inflammatory damage. Various types of facial treatments help to prevent signs of aging and helps protect your skin from outside elements, such as pollution, sunlight and wind, and everyday stress.

Prior to your facial, make healthy lifestyle choices such as eating fruits and vegetables, exercising and getting plenty of sleep. You'll be able to reap more benefits of your facial.  When you arrive for your appointment, be prepared to communicate with your therapist about your most pressing skin concern. Whether it is wrinkles, acne, sun damage or simply stress, your therapist can recommend the best facial for you.

Make the most of your spa experience by scheduling a massage before your facial so you can enjoy head-to-toe relaxation. As soon as you step into A Spa put your stressor aside and forget your to-do list.

Remember that facials are just one element of your healthy lifestyle. You need to take time to go spend time with friends, meditate, take a class you've been excited for but have been putting off - anything that brings you joy and happiness. These things will fill you with deep satisfaction and a passion for life that will keep you not only looking but feeling younger.

Sunday 22 May 2016

10 Manfaat Sauna Kepada Tubuh

1. Meredakan Stres dan Membentuk Mental yang Baik

2. Mengeluarkan Toksin dari Tubuh melalui pori pori kulit

3. Membuat Tidur Menjadi Lebih Nyaman

4. Menyembuhkan sakit Otot dan Sendi (arthritis)

5. Membuat Kulit Menjadi Halus dan Lembut

6. Menjaga Kesehatan Jantung - melancarkan peredaran darah

7. Membakar sehingga 600 kalori dalam 30 minit- efek simming

8. Membuat Tubuh Menjadi Lebih Kebal Terhadap Penyakit - memperbaiki sistem imun

9. Membantu Program Diet - meningkatkan metabolisma tubuh membakar lemak

10. Mempengaruhi Fizikal dan Mental - membantu tubuh megatasi stress harian

Saturday 15 August 2015

Nak Rawatan Spa Percuma? Limited Time!

Kad promosi terhad dari sekarang hingga 31Januari 2016, Setiap RM70/- Untuk rawatan di Spa kami, Anda akan dapat 1 cop untuk kad promosi di sepanjang tarikh sah laku. Kumpulkan Cop tersebut pada setiap kunjungan anda, dan tebuslah hadiah- hadiah berupa rawatan eksklusif dengan PERCUMA (FREE TREAT) berupa
  1.  Herbal Sauna Treat
  2. Manni-Peddi Treat (mannicure+ Peddicure)
  3. Infra- Chromo sauna
  4. Hydro-Chromo Jacuzzi
  5. sessi berLulur
  6. Body Mask + Infra Blanket
  7. Body Mask + Space Spa
  8. 24K Gold Facial Treatment
Sila Hubungi kami untuk temujanji , atau datang sendiri ke Hydrangea Spa. Cop untuk kad promosi hanya diberikan untuk sessi rawatan sahaja dan tidak termasuk pembelian produk.

Contoh kad Promosi

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Hydra Beauty - Pearl Skin Base

Produk terbaru dari kami. Boleh digunakan sebagai pelembab, sekaligus sebagai bes mekap. Menjadikan pemakaian mekap lebih sempurna dan tahan lama. Mengandungi hyaluronic acid, Kolagen tumbuhan dan Aloe vera antara bahan aktifnya, yang juga membantu menghilangkan bekas/ parut di kulit.

Pearl Skin Base : Diperkayakan dengan Vitamin C dan Pati Chamomile, untuk kulit sensitive dan mengalami dehidrasi (kurang lembapan) , atau kesan parut jerawat yang ketara. Kulit akan kelihatan lebih gebu, licin dan bermaya

Friday 18 November 2011

"Hydra Beauty" Sunblock SPF30

Penggunaan: Sapukan produk secara merata pada wajah dan leher.

Formula yang tidak berminyak ini mempunyai spectrum yang luas dalam melindungi kulit dari sinaran UV matahari dan mengelak dari selaran. Juga dapat mengurangkan masalah kulit  dan sebum yang aktif . Mengandungi antara lain, ekstrak akar burdock, Honeysuckle flower extract, Kiwi fruit extract, jojoba, aloe vera extract

UV Cream memberi pelindungan lengkap dari sinar UVB dan IR. Mengandungi pelbagai penyekat UV dan penapis UV. Ia juga memberi kelembapan, kehalusan dan menenangkan kulit. Krim UV ini kalis air (waterproof), mempunyai kuasa penutupan yang tinggi, menutup cela pada kulit dan memberi kesan cerah dan sekata pada kulit. Sangat baik sebagai bes mekap

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Facial Scrub & Gold Scrub

Facial Gold Scrub                                       
Gentle Gold Facial scrub polish the skin with the finest quality of jojoba beads. The new added pure Gold helps to condition your skin while exfoliating. Effectively removes dead skin cells, make your skin look radiance and smooth. Help lighten skin dark mark, even skin tone, brighten skin texture and complexion. Moisturizing, nourishing and firming skin.                                      
DirectionWet face and neck, apply Gold facial scrub on face and neck, gently scrub and massage in circular movements, rinse off thoroughly with water.
Recomended for dry, mature skin, pigmentation & darkspot.

Facial Scrub
Effectively removes  excess dead skin cells and other impurities. Deeply cleanses and clears skin pores. Helps soften skin texture and stimulates cells renewal. Leaves  refined, radiant and smooth skin. Gently, mild surfactant best with the finest quality of jojoba beads.
Direction:Wet face and neck; apply the scrubber onto face and neck. Massage gently, especially on T-zone area. Rinse off thoroughly with water.

Recomended for Normal to oily skin

Facial/Body Scrubbing(Exfoliation)

The skin is largest organ of our body. It protects us against heat and light, injury, and infection. It regulates body temperature and stores water, fat, and vitamin D. Weighing about 6 pounds.
The epidermis (outer layer of the skin) is mostly made up of flat, scale-like cells called squamous cells. Under the squamous cells are round cells called basal cells. The deepest part of the epidermis also contains melanocytes. These cells produce melanin, which gives the skin its color.
Many of us most concern when we see scars, wrinkles, skin sensitivity & redness, thinning, pigmentation,
Varicose vein, scaly skin which are most probably caused by environmental factor, like work environment, age, water consumption, food we eat , air condition, even excessive sun exposure like us in hot asian climate, heaty and humid usually cause severe sunburn and normally pigmentation.

Facial scrubbing should be carry out according to our skin type and product manufacturer directions. Generally, as a guideline, Facial scrubbing should be carry out at least 3-4 times a week for oily skin, and 1-2 times a week for dry mature skin. This refers to natural base scrub. Then again, if using scrub product from outlets, please be sure to follow product manufacturer instructions, because different brands have different ingredients which require certain amount of product and how frequent should we use it. Some scrub products have chemical ingredients that are to be used sparingly, where frequent usage will excessively dry the skin. As for acne skin are not advisable to scrub, as it will make matter worsen.

Body scrub, where in the Asian -Malaysia / Indonesian called “Lulur” , usually refers to traditional scrub made with natural ingredients, such as Rice, Mung Beans, Cajeput,lime, and many other herbs, plants, flowers, seaweeds which is traditionally process to a powder form, for storage, and later mix with water or rose water before usage. Many traditional scrub/Lulur are made for different skin conditions. Now these Traditional scrub are widely found in Salon & Spa particularly in Asian country like Mlaysia, Thailand, Indonesia.

Before applying body scrub/ Lulur, body part are thinly rub with message oil, then the scrub paste is applied in circular motion all over body. Once done, body is covered with batik cloth to let the ingredients soaked in the body until the scrub almost dried up all over. Then,about 20 minutes later, scrubbing off in circular motion until all traces of scrub are clean. Quickly take a shower, or better still, soak in a warm Jacuzzi infused with milk and other natural ingredients, will make a hydrotherapy completing your body rejuvenation treat. By doing so, can uplift our spirit, forgetting our daily stress, in such way, it’s just what our body need, to overcome tiredness, stressful life.

By scrubbing/ Exfoliate, We get fresh, Glowing skin, restful night sleep. Making the whole therapy is actually a routine we cannot neglect. If where and when, Spa/ Salon services is not possible, many brands of scrub sold around the globe, just be sure to be wise, choosing the ingredients closest to natural as possible, least or no  chemical contents.

Monday 5 September 2011

Why Spa Concept Salon

Today is the 7th day of Eid,celebrated by Muslims all over the world after a full fasting month of Ramadhan, and during the festive season, many of us are having "open house", meaning, preparing foods and drinks for our guests, and its always entertaining,neverthless, tiring as well. As the morning we start cooking & preparing foods & delicacies such as cakes & biscuits, untill the evening when the last guest leave.

As our daily lives are filled with working environment, added by our childrens busy schedule, and parents juggling, struggling with picking children from school, buying grocesries as with house chores, we finally feel the need to unwind, break free from all these, even if it means for a good few hours. Even if we have our own Jacuzzi or Sauna Unit at home, nothing compares to gentle caring hands that massage and ease your stress & tiredness away.

For that is why we are here , dedicated to all the people with such condition. We offer both traditional and modern spa therapy, Facial Treatments,Massage, Lulur(Body Scrub) , Infra Chromo sauna Cabinet, Herbal Steam therapy, Mannicure/Pedicure. Waxing, Parrafin , Hydro Therapy, even modernise treatments using ultrasonic, gyro massage, wave spa, infra hot blanket,farratiq, and so on.

Rest assure, we are using plant based skin care products, mainly from  aloeVera, Cucumber , amongst many other plants. We also use natural plants and herbs for herbal steambath ,hydrotherapy and also Facial Treatments.

Our Main Skincare brand is Hydra Beauty, our very own brand. Having operated since 2003, we have been serving locals and foreigners alike. And we wellcome anyone who have queries to contact us . At the moment, most body treatments are for ladies only.
We only Offer Facial Treatments, hydrotherapy, Steam therapy & infra sauna treat, manni/pedi    for our male clients. but, any traditional massage service requires advance appointments, for allocation of male masseus.

Remember, "prevention is better than cure", a trip to our  Spa concept salon,is worth every second of your time, for you'll be glad leaving our premise feeling refresh, regenerate and ready to face new challenges in your life!

Saturday 27 August 2011

"Selamat Hari raya Aidil Fitri Ma'af Zahir & Batin"

"Hydra Beauty"Image by Azzrina Kadri
Dari Kami di Hydrangea Beauty Spa & Training centre kepada pelanggan dan anda semua .
Sempena Hari Raya ini, Premis akan di tutup dari 29/08/2011 hingga 5/09/2011. dan akan beroperasi seperti biasa mulai 6 hb Sept 2011, dengan promosi baru yang tidak kurang hebatnya.

Sekian, harap Maklum.

Friday 1 July 2011

Hydra Beauty - Gold Treasure Beauty BTX Essence

Keistimewaan produk Beauty BTX Essence

Membentuk contour wajah, mengurangkan kesan Sembab, Garisan Halus dan  Kedutan pada wajah. Juga menegangkan kulit yang kendur,
mempertingkatkan kehalusan kulit dan menjadikan kulit Nampak lebih muda dan bermaya .

Penggunaan : Gunakan pada wajah selepas Cleanser & Toner, ratakan dengan urutan lembut pagi & malam. Elakkan  masuk ke mata.

 Retrim the face contour and reduce the skin
puffiness, fine lines and wrinkle. Lift up and firm the sagged face skin, improve the skin smoothness and suppleness, leave to you a radiant and
youthful looking.

Directions: Apply this product onto cleansed face evenly and gently. Morning and night. Avoid eyes contact.


Sunday 22 May 2011

Berhati-hati Dalam Memilih Pusat Kecantikan

Terkilan dengan apa yang dibaca dalam harian metro (edisi semenanjung)Sabtu, 21 may 2011 , Sebuah Pusat Kecantikan di arah bayar RM26,+++ kepada seorang pemilik butik oleh mahkamah seksyen di ibu negara.

Kes ini berdasarkan kecuaian sehingga menyebabkan pelanggan melecur di beberapa bahagian badan. Tuntutan saman difailkan 11 Febuari 2010 ke atas Pusat Kecantikan yang tersohor itu.

Di sini, jelas lah kecuaian juga berlaku di tempat yang nyatanya di percayai oleh ramai, kerana sering melihat iklan- iklan di media. Dan jelas lah kita harus memilih dengan teliti.
Dan waspadalah, suasana yang indah, kekadang tidak seindah kata-kata. bertanyalah tentang rawatan yang ingin di jalankan, keputusan yang ingin anda capai, dan berundinglah dengan terperinci dan jangan mudah terpedaya dengan iklan, Terdapat juga banyak kes melibatkan pusat kecantikan, menjadikan orang ramai kurang pasti dalam memilih tempat. Kekadang, kita suka dengan iklan, dan keputusan yang mengujakan (melihat betapa beza gambar sebelum dan sesudah) tanpa mengetahui samada itu gimik atau realiti.

Sekiranya anda ingin melakukan suatu rawatan kecantikan, baik sekadar rawatan muka atau pelangsingan, jangan lupa untuk bertanya tentang rawatan yang bakal di jalankan, kaedah dan kesan selepas rawatan yang mungkin akan di alami, dan keseuaian dengan keadaan anda.

Peringatan untuk mereka yang hamil, atau mungkin hamil, mempunyai komplikasi kesihatan seperti darah tinggi, masalah jantung, kencing manis, dan sebagainya, atau pernah menjalankan pembedahan, mempunyai bahan logam di dalam badan,  pastikan mendapat kebenaran pakar perubatan anda. Amat mustahak untuk memberitahu juruestetik di pusat rawatan tersebut sebelum memulai perbincangan tentang rawatan yang di ingini, untuk megelak sebarang komplikasi yang merumitkan.

Bukanlah senang untuk menfailkan saman yang akan mengambil masa yang lama, dan tidak lupa juga kesan kepada kesihatan anda.

Kesan negatif seperti di atas adalah mimpi ngeri kepada kita. Jangan bertindak mengikut perasaan dengan membuat keputusan untuk cantik atau  langsing dalam masa yang singkat, tanpa mengambil kira bagaimana gaya hidup dan permakanan kita seharian.

Selain cuba untuk berubah kepada cara hidup sihat, walaupun sedikit demi sedikit, akan menjadikan satu perubahan dalam jangkamasa tertentu, pastikan juga Pusat rawatan yang anda kunjungi mempunyai kakitangan yang terlatih atau berpengalaman di bidang masing- masing.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Bridal Service - Makeup - Acessories - baju - kelengkapan

Bridal Service - dengan harga yang berpatutan. Kami gunakan Original produk Kryolan, MAC, Sephora, Makeup Forever. Hanya yang terbaik untuk Bakal Raja Sehari. Andaman berupa moden, Tradisional, Funky dan sebagainya. Penggayaan sanggul dan akesori mampu menyerlahkan seri bakal mempelai. Kelengkapan persalinan seperti set Tanjak, Keris, Gandik, Kipas, Payung , sanggul Lintang, Minang dan sebagainya.

Sila hubungi kami untuk pakej terkini atau berbincang dengan kami tentang tema perkahwinan dan andaman yang di kehendaki.

Juga menawarkan dulang hantaran untuk di sewa.

Hydra Beauty Products

Rangkaian penjagaan kulit yang di olah dari bahan alami, rumpair laut, ekstrak tumbuhan,  yang selamat digunakan, dan tinggi khasiatnya untuk memperbaiki fisilogi kulit, mempertingkatkan daya tahan kulit, dan mempercepatkan penyembuhan akibat dari Jerawat/Akne, pemakaian produk pengelupasan ,
tekanan harian, pencemaran sekitar dan factor usia dan ketidakseimbangan hormon badan.

Produk kami termasuk Saiz untuk kegunaan di Salon dan juga Saiz untuk Konsumer.Produk teridiri daripada Cleanser, Toner, Moisturizer, Produk Rawatan, Ampoules, Masker, Massage Creams, Makeup Remover, UV creams, Platinum Cleanser, siri penjagaan berasaskan 24K Gold  dan sebagainya.