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Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Facial/Body Scrubbing(Exfoliation)

The skin is largest organ of our body. It protects us against heat and light, injury, and infection. It regulates body temperature and stores water, fat, and vitamin D. Weighing about 6 pounds.
The epidermis (outer layer of the skin) is mostly made up of flat, scale-like cells called squamous cells. Under the squamous cells are round cells called basal cells. The deepest part of the epidermis also contains melanocytes. These cells produce melanin, which gives the skin its color.
Many of us most concern when we see scars, wrinkles, skin sensitivity & redness, thinning, pigmentation,
Varicose vein, scaly skin which are most probably caused by environmental factor, like work environment, age, water consumption, food we eat , air condition, even excessive sun exposure like us in hot asian climate, heaty and humid usually cause severe sunburn and normally pigmentation.

Facial scrubbing should be carry out according to our skin type and product manufacturer directions. Generally, as a guideline, Facial scrubbing should be carry out at least 3-4 times a week for oily skin, and 1-2 times a week for dry mature skin. This refers to natural base scrub. Then again, if using scrub product from outlets, please be sure to follow product manufacturer instructions, because different brands have different ingredients which require certain amount of product and how frequent should we use it. Some scrub products have chemical ingredients that are to be used sparingly, where frequent usage will excessively dry the skin. As for acne skin are not advisable to scrub, as it will make matter worsen.

Body scrub, where in the Asian -Malaysia / Indonesian called “Lulur” , usually refers to traditional scrub made with natural ingredients, such as Rice, Mung Beans, Cajeput,lime, and many other herbs, plants, flowers, seaweeds which is traditionally process to a powder form, for storage, and later mix with water or rose water before usage. Many traditional scrub/Lulur are made for different skin conditions. Now these Traditional scrub are widely found in Salon & Spa particularly in Asian country like Mlaysia, Thailand, Indonesia.

Before applying body scrub/ Lulur, body part are thinly rub with message oil, then the scrub paste is applied in circular motion all over body. Once done, body is covered with batik cloth to let the ingredients soaked in the body until the scrub almost dried up all over. Then,about 20 minutes later, scrubbing off in circular motion until all traces of scrub are clean. Quickly take a shower, or better still, soak in a warm Jacuzzi infused with milk and other natural ingredients, will make a hydrotherapy completing your body rejuvenation treat. By doing so, can uplift our spirit, forgetting our daily stress, in such way, it’s just what our body need, to overcome tiredness, stressful life.

By scrubbing/ Exfoliate, We get fresh, Glowing skin, restful night sleep. Making the whole therapy is actually a routine we cannot neglect. If where and when, Spa/ Salon services is not possible, many brands of scrub sold around the globe, just be sure to be wise, choosing the ingredients closest to natural as possible, least or no  chemical contents.

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