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Monday 30 May 2016

A Brief info for Colors used in Chromotherapy

·         Red is believed to increase the pulse, raise blood pressure and increase the rate of breathing. Red would be applied to support circulatory and nervous functions.
Bright Pink
·         Strong pink acts as a cleanser, strengthening veins and arteries.
Ight Pink
·         Pink activates and eliminates impurities in the blood stream.
·         Orange is a mixture of red and yellow. Activates and eliminates localized fat. Assists with asthma and bronchitis
Strong Yellow
·         Strong yellow strengthens the body and activates internal tissues.
·         Yellow, the brightest color used in chromotherapy, has been used to purify the skin, help with indigestion, strengthen the nervous system, treat glandular diseases, hepatitis and lymphatic disorders and assist metabolism.
·         Green, a color associated with harmony, provides a neutral, positive calming effect.
Strong Green
·         Strong green provides anti-infectious, anti-septic and regenerative stimulation.

Blue green (light turquoise green)
  • ·         Helps the body to clear lymphatic system, and flush away toxin thus clears the skin problem

Strong Blue
·         Strong blue lubricates joints, helps address stress, nervous tension and infections.
·         Blue promotes relaxation and calm. Blue exhibits tranquilizing qualities often used to relieve headaches and migraines, colds, stress, nervous tension, rheumatism, stomach pains, muscle cramps and liver disorders. Blue is thought to have a positive effect on all kinds of pain.
·         Indigo is used to address conditions involving the eyes, ears and nose. It has a calming, sedative effect.

·         Violet is used to calm the nervous system, soothe organs and relax muscles. Violet has meditative qualities and is often used to treat conditions of the lymphatic system and spleen, as well as urinary disorders and psychosis.

Our Space spa equipment and far infra red  saunas have a  chromotherapy light available. This add-on is unlike any other on the market, offering sauna benefits unique to other forms of color therapy. Instead of single color lights, includes auto color-changing modes. The lights are soft and gentle . Very affordable sessions, Space Spa, Far infra red Sauna and supersonic Jacuzzi al with chromotherapy lighting is one of our most popular infrared sauna and hydrochromo Jacuzzi options.

Color therapy has been practiced throughout the world for centuries, and remains one of the most popular Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies available.**

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