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Thursday 26 May 2016

Why Spa Facials Are An Essential Part of Your Healthy Lifestyle

Whether it's a rewarding sunrise hike, mastering a new sushi recipe or curling up with a great new read, it feels good to take time for nurturing activities that help us recharge and reconnect. Stress-relieving spa treatments are other excellent ways to enhance your well-being, and the good news is you should begin to do it more often to better your health.  While you might think there isn't enough time for regular spa treatments, you should schedule facials just like you do regular exercise or wellness programs.

Facials should not be considered a luxury, they have necessary health benefits, Not to
mention, the obvious benefit of facials is that you are able to relax and take time for yourself. That's critical to your overall health.

It's important you practice good skincare at home, but a facial isn't the same. What is different from your day-to-day regimen is that during a facial your skin is bathed in higher concentrations of powerful vitamins and antioxidants. Your skin needs these regularly. For example, compared to your treatment product at home, during the facial those ingredients are two to three times as strong. And they are able to penetrate better because your skin is softened

With all your daily obligations, meetings and responsibilities, it might seem difficult to pack another appointment into your month. But your skin needs it.  People generally associate facials with pampering or special occasions.  But we need to change that way of thinking. Try to associate facials with health instead. In addition to the obvious skin benefits, spa facials offer total body benefits. We have to understand that the entire body is connected. Treating your face and the healing power of touch affect every organ and every system in your body.

Every day you are exposed to elements in the environment that wreak havoc on your
complexion. Regular facials cleanse and treat the skin to maximize your barrier function. Without that protection, you are more susceptible to inflammatory damage. Various types of facial treatments help to prevent signs of aging and helps protect your skin from outside elements, such as pollution, sunlight and wind, and everyday stress.

Prior to your facial, make healthy lifestyle choices such as eating fruits and vegetables, exercising and getting plenty of sleep. You'll be able to reap more benefits of your facial.  When you arrive for your appointment, be prepared to communicate with your therapist about your most pressing skin concern. Whether it is wrinkles, acne, sun damage or simply stress, your therapist can recommend the best facial for you.

Make the most of your spa experience by scheduling a massage before your facial so you can enjoy head-to-toe relaxation. As soon as you step into A Spa put your stressor aside and forget your to-do list.

Remember that facials are just one element of your healthy lifestyle. You need to take time to go spend time with friends, meditate, take a class you've been excited for but have been putting off - anything that brings you joy and happiness. These things will fill you with deep satisfaction and a passion for life that will keep you not only looking but feeling younger.

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